Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CPulsar::pdv_KtZ_Archive::AgentThis class registers the pdv_KtZ_Archive plugin class for use
 CPulsar::PuMaArchive::AgentThis class registers the PuMaArchive plugin class for use
 CPulsar::UVMArchive::AgentThis class registers the UVMArchive plugin class for use
 CPulsar::ASCIIArchive::AgentThis class registers the ASCIIArchive plugin class for use
 CPulsar::PolnProfileFit::AnalysisAnalysis of the matrix template matching algorithm
 CPulsar::ArchiveSortUsed in sorting archives by source name, frequency, and epoch
 CPulsar::BoostShiftAnalysisAnalysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate
 CMEAL::ChainRule< MEAL::Complex2 > [external]
 CCalibration::SingleAxisPolynomialA SingleAxis parameterized by Polynomial ordinates
 CCalibration::VariableBackendPhysical parameterization of the instrumental response
 CCalibration::VariableGainPhysical parameterization of the instrumental response
 CPulsar::ChannelSubsetMatchDetermine if one set of channels is a subset of another
 CCalibration::CoherencyMeasurementA coherency matrix measurement and its estimated error
 CConfiguration [external]
 CPulsar::ConfigStores PSRCHIVE configuration parameters
 CPulsar::CalSourceCorrects the Signal::Source type attribute of the Archive
 CPulsar::FixFluxCalCorrects the Signal::Source type and name attributes of the Archive
 CPulsar::SetReceiverLooks up the receiver name from a log file and installs parameters
 CPulsar::CrossValidatedSmooth2DDetermines the spline smoothing factor as in Clark (1977)
 CPulsar::DeltaPAComputes mean position angle difference from weighted cross-correlation
 CPulsar::DeltaRMRefines an RM estimate using two halves of the band
 CPulsar::DimensionsProvides enumerated access to the dimensions of an Archive
 CPulsar::DispersionDelayComputes the dispersion delay
 CPulsar::DistortionAnalysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate
 CPulsar::StandardCandles::EntryStandard Candle Database Entry
 CPulsar::ProfileAmps::ExpertProvides access to private and protected members of ProfileAmps
 CPulsar::FscrunchInterpreter< Engine >Manages Containter frequency integration for an Interpreter using an Engine
 CPulsar::FscrunchInterpreter< Pulsar::PolnCalExtFreqIntegrate >
 CMEAL::GroupRule< class > [external]
 CMEAL::ProductRule< MEAL::Complex2 > [external]
 CMEAL::SumRule< MEAL::Complex2 > [external]
 CPulsar::HasArchiveManages an archive and its index interface
 CPulsar::ArchiveStatisticCommmon statistics that can be derived from an Archive
 CPulsar::StatisticsInterface to a variety of useful statistics
 CPulsar::HasBaselineEstimatorManages a baseline estimator and its interface
 CPulsar::PhaseWidthCalculates the pulse width in the phase domain
 CPulsar::ProfileStatsComputes pulse profile statistics
 CPulsar::HasPenInterface to objects that have a PlotPen
 CPulsar::ProfilePlotPlots a single pulse profile
 CPulsar::SpectrumPlotPlots a single spectrum
 CPulsar::HasPhaseScaleInterface to plots with a phase scale
 CPulsar::MultiPhasePlots multiple viewports with pulse phase along the shared x-axis
 CPulsar::PhasePlotSimple plots with pulse phase along the x-axis
 CReference::HeapTracked [external]
 CReference::Able [external]
 CPulsar::IndexCombines an index value and integrate flag
 CPulsar::PolarCalibrator::InfoCommunicates PolarCalibrator parameters to plotting routines
 CPulsar::SingleAxisCalibrator::InfoCommunicates SingleAxisCalibrator parameters
 CPulsar::BackendFeedInfoCommunicates BackendFeed parameters to plotting routines
 CPulsar::DoPCalibrator::InfoCommunicates DoPCalibrator parameters
 CPulsar::CoherentDedispersion::InputChannelCoherent dedispersion attributes specific to input frequency channel
 CPulsar::AuxColdPlasma::InterfaceText interface to a AuxColdPlasma instance
 CPulsar::InterpreterPulsar data processing command language interpreter
 CPulsar::CoherentDedispersion::OutputChannelCoherent dedispersion attributes specific to output frequency channel
 CConfiguration::Parameter< bool > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< bool >
 CConfiguration::Parameter< double > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< double >
 CConfiguration::Parameter< float > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< float >
 CConfiguration::Parameter< Functor > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< Functor >
 CConfiguration::Parameter< std::string > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< std::string >
 CConfiguration::Parameter< string > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< string >
 CConfiguration::Parameter< T > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< T >Configuration option
 CConfiguration::Parameter< unsigned > [external]
 CPulsar::Option< unsigned >
 CPulsar::PhaseWeightStatisticCommmon statistics that can be derived from a pulse profile
 CJenetAnderson98::PlotPlots the distribution of Phi
 CPulsar::PlotFactoryProvides a text interface to create new plots
 CPulsar::PolnStatisticsInterface to polarization statistics
 CPulsar::ProfileStatisticCommmon statistics that can be derived from a pulse profile
 CPulsar::RotatingVectorModelOptionsRotatingVectorModel command line options
 CPulsar::ScalarProfileFitAnalysisAnalysis of the scalar template matching algorithm
 CPulsar::ScrunchFactorManages a combined scrunch factor or target dimension
 CPulsar::SimPolnTimingSimulates full-Stokes arrival time estimation
 CPulsar::DigitiserCounts::SubintCountsClass representing an array of digitiser counts for a subint
 CPulsar::CalibratorTypes::FluxFlux calibrator
 CPulsar::CalibratorTypes::PolnPolarization calibrator
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 CCalibration::CoherencyMeasurementSetA CoherencyMeasurement set and their coordinates
 CPulsar::DedispersedVerifies that each Integration has a consistent Dedisperse Extension
 CPulsar::DeFaradayedVerifies that each Integration has a consistent DeFaraday Extension
 CPulsar::WeightedFrequencyCompute the weighted mean frequency
 CPulsar::WeightInterpreterInterprets configuration strings into a weighting policy

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